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News / Newsletters

Some of our news is on the Home page. Scroll down on that page to see several key articles.

The newsletters below contain the rest of our news.  Click a newsletter subject to open up that newsletter.

Our club also uses Facebook for unofficial and social inter-member communications. Sometimes, sudden play or clinic changes are also announced on Facebook. Only SAPC members are granted access to our closed group on Facebook.  Follow us on Facebook.

  • 2023-01-04 14:38 | Anonymous

    In this issue:

     Board Nominations Recruiting  Proof of Membership
     Level 1 Sports - January Openings  Level 1 Sports - New Play Offerings
     Stickers  Rating Requests

    Board Nominations/Recruiting

    As members may or may not be aware, the SAPC Annual General Meeting is scheduled to take place in about 3 months on March 8, 2023.  Some of what takes place at the AGM is the election of Board members and other key positions.  The Board currently consists of the following individuals (incumbents): 

    President - Eileen McClean

    Vice President - James Porter

    Secretary - Douwe Spriensma

    Treasurer - Ray Keroack

    Director at Large, Web Manager - Tamas Virag, Edmonton Resident

    Director at Large, Tournaments - Ken Dentzien

    Director of Membership and Volunteers - Carol Mah

    Director of Communications - Roger Hutlet

    A number of the Board positions are up for re-election so interested individuals may apply for these positions as follows:

    Treasurer, Secretary and Director at Large (one of the two Director at Large positions) Please Note: The 3 current incumbents have requested that they NOT let their names stand for re-election to these positions.

    Non-Board roles that must also be elected at the AGM are:

    Ombudsperson  Note: this position is currently held by Mike Bowen

    Auditor  (If the auditor is a certified CPA, only one is needed, otherwise we need two)  Note: This position is currently held by Lawrence Taylor

    Nominating Committee (3 persons)

    If a member is interested in any of these positions, they should first read the Job Descriptions available on the SAPC website which can be accessed from this link.  

    On the following web page you will find the Ombudsperson job description:

    Please note that at our upcoming AGM we also will vote on a motion by Kevin McClean to increase the terms for the Ombudsperson, Auditor and the Nominating Committee to two years and that these terms will be staggered as warranted. 

    Candidates seeking to put their names forward for one of these positions can contact any member of the nominating committee (see contact details below) with a short bio stating why they would like to be nominated for the position.  If more than one candidate applies for a position, a ballot will be held at the AGM.

    Nominating Committee members currently include:

    Kevin McClean at 

    Gerry Gartner at 

    Jenna McCully at 

    A Nominating Committee report covering the candidates will be sent out to all members with the notice of the AGM in February, 2023.

    Proof of Membership

    Yes, it's a new year - HAPPY NEW YEAR pickleballers!   You know what that means - half of our members head to warmer weather down south, diets begin, gym memberships get utilized and, yes, you have to renew your SAPC membership!

    Please be reminded that as of January 1, 2023 members must now be prepared to present their 2023 membership cards - digital or hard copy at SAPC play sessions.  Captains will be asking for this proof of membership prior to play sessions beginning and it is the member's responsibility to have this information available for presentation to the Captain or they will be denied play.

    Level 1 Sports Venue - January Openings

    Please note that we have two spots left in the 4.0+ series play that starts Tuesday, January 10th for which play is from 10 am to 12 noon.  The series is for four play sessions, one per week, every Tuesday up to and including January  31st.  

    Note:  These sessions are booked and paid for in advance.  If you are interested, just click on a Series start date in the January page of the "Level 1 Sports Calendar" on our website for more details and to register.  If a session is full, we recommend you add your name to the Waitlist.

    Level 1 Sports Venue - New Play Offerings

    Would you like to "rent a court" for a small group of members, family or friends?  Would you like to play at Level 1 Sports, but be able to decide at the last minute without having to pre-register or prepay?  If so, read on because we will be offering both starting on February 6th.  

    Details of these sessions have now been added to the Level 1 Sports Calendar on the SAPC Website.  Please note that event details may evolve as we adapt to our members' take up of these great play opportunities.

    As noted in the December Newsletter, details are as follows:

    On Tuesdays and Wednesdays, we will have "Group Reserved Play" for each of the six courts.  How will this work?

    Group Reserved Play

    • A group may be four or more people.

    • Only one person reserves the court.  The reserver must be a member.  Other group members may be non-members.
    • A member may book up to 2 courts each day.
    • A separate reservation must be made for each court.
    • Fee is 10 stickers per court, payable upon arrival (that works out to $33.50/court)
    • Stickers must be purchased in advance.  The club does not sell stickers at the facility.
    • The captain will assign specific courts to group leaders in a random fashion.
    • Players can be any skill level(s).
    • Reservations can be made through the Level 1 Sports Calendar (click here)
    • Reservations open at Thursday midnight (12:01 am Friday) the week before the day of play.
    • If all six courts are reserved, join the waitlist.
    • If your group can't attend, please cancel your registration so those on the waitlist can be automatically registered.

    This "Group Reserved" or "Book-a-court" play is perfect for many classes or types of players - casual players, recreational players, "70-plus" players or unrated players who wish to play amongst themselves.  Of course, it is also suited to groups wanting competitive play, tournament prep, or court drills.  So start thinking about a few people you'd like to play with - set your groups up in advance if you'd like.  Use the club website member directory and WhatsApp groups to send messages to other members to help set up and communicate with other members.

    On Mondays and Thursdays, we'll have individual "Drop In" play for certain skill (rating) levels.   How will that work?  

    Drop In Play

    • Cost will be two stickers per member.

    • Guests sponsored by an attending member are allowed (for now at least) - the cost is three stickers.
    • No advanced registration needed (that's what "Drop In" means).
    • Thursdays will be for 3.0s and 3.5s only.
    • Mondays will be for 3.5s and 4.0s only.
    • No limits (at least initially) to the number of attendees - so everybody plays - but (typically) only with members of their skill level.
    • The play session Captain may decide to play round robin or paddle play.

    How will the courts be allocated between the two skill levels for drop in play?   The allocation will generally be based on the proportion of players  who are at each of the two levels.  For example:

    • If 12 to 15 players show up from each of the two skill levels, then each level will be allocated 3 courts
    • If 10 players of one skill level show up and 20 from another, the 10 would be allocated two courts and the 20 will be allocated four, but
    • If only 4 or 5 players of one level show up, they will be allocated at least one court.
    • If 3 or fewer players of one level show up, they will mix and play with those of the other skill level.

    Group Reserved Play AND Drop In Play

    • No prepayment will be needed - you pay with stickers upon arrival.

    • All play times are 10 am to 12 noon.


    To simplify our ongoing accounting and our transition to a new accounting system, there will be a slight change to the way we charge for sticker card purchases.   Effective January 1st  we have included the delivery charge (which was 90 cents per order) into the base cost for the card itself.  For anyone ordering one card at a time, the total including GST will remain at a very affordable $67 for 20 stickers ($3.35/ea).

    Once again, please be reminded to put your name and phone number on the back of your sticker sheets...we've had a few instances lately of members misplacing their stickers and your contact info makes it easier for us to get them back to their rightful owner.

    Rating Requests

    We would like to gather information regarding members' interest in being rated in order that we may plan to make future rating opportunities available.  As such, for anyone that wishes to be rated, please send an email to  - you should include your name, the level you wish to be rated at as well as any constraints to your availability for such rating clinic (eg. only available in evenings, currently out of country until April 1st, etc.).

    Until next time, keep your paddle up!   

  • 2022-12-19 12:51 | Anonymous

    In this issue:

     Mentoring  Indoor Play
     Level 1 Sports - January Openings  Level 1 Sports - New Play Offerings
     Pickleball Rule Changes  Message from the President


    Mentoring sessions will begin in the New Year.   The dates are as follows:

    Level 2.5/Unrated - January 14th and March 4th

    Level 3.0 - February 4th and April 15th

    These will take place at Bertha Kennedy at the 12:00 - 2:15 pm sessions.    While this will take away play sessions at the 2.5 level for 2 weeks, there will be an "All Play" session starting at 2:15 pm.  Many of our mentors play at the 9:00 am session at Bertha Kennedy, so this makes the transition for them much easier - they can simply flow from playing to mentoring. 

    Please note that we will get back to mentoring higher rating levels when we return to outdoor play next spring.

    Special thanks to our mentoring team for taking on these sessions in 2023 and to Rachel for setting this all up in the registration system.

    Please note that there are only 12 spots for each session, but always sign up for the Waiting List as life happens and there are usually cancellations.  

    Registration will open up the week before each session at the same time as the Red Willow registration opens up - that is Friday morning (Thursday immediately after midnight).   For example, the first session on January 14 will open on January 7.  Please note that the cost for each mentoring session is one (1) sticker.

    Indoor Play

    Proof of 2023 Membership

    Please be reminded that as of January 1, 2023 members must have and be ready to present their 2023 membership cards - digital or hard copy.  Captains will be asking for this proof of membership prior to play sessions beginning and it is the member's responsibility to have this information available for presentation to the Captain or they will be denied play.


    Just a reminder to members to put their name and phone number on the back of their stickers...we've had a few instances lately of members misplacing their stickers and your contact info makes it easier for us to get them back to their rightful owner.

    Level 1 Sports Venue - January Openings

    Please note that Series Play continues at Level 1 Sports for January and we have some openings.  Each series gives you 4 two (2) hour play sessions - one per week for four weeks.  These sessions are booked and paid for in advance.  If you are interested, just click on a Series start date in the January page of the "Level 1 Sports Calendar" on our website for more details and to register.  If a session is full, we recommend you add your name to the Waitlist.

    Level 1 Sports Venue - New Play Offerings

    Would you like to "rent a court" for a small group of members, family or friends?  Would you like to play at Level 1 Sports, but be able to decide at the last minute without having to pre-register or prepay?  If so, read on because we will be offering both starting on February 6th.  

    On Tuesdays and Wednesdays, we will have "Group Reserved Play" for each of the six courts.  How will this work?

    Group Reserved Play

    • A group may be four or more people.

    • Only one person reserves the court.  The reserver must be a member.  Other group members may be non-members.
    • A member may book up to 2 courts each day.
    • A separate reservation must be made for each court.
    • Fee is 10 stickers per court, payable upon arrival (that works out to $33.50/court)
    • Stickers must be purchased in advance.  The club does not sell stickers at the facility.
    • The captain will assign specific courts to group leaders in a random fashion.
    • Players can be any skill level(s).
    • Reservations can be made through the Level 1 Sports Calendar (click here)
    • Reservations open at Thursday midnight (12:01 am Friday) the week before the day of play.
    • If all six courts are reserved, join the waitlist.
    • If your group can't attend, please cancel your registration so those on the waitlist can be automatically registered.

    This "Group Reserved" or "Book-a-court" play is perfect for many classes or types of players - casual players, recreational players, "70-plus" players or unrated players who wish to play amongst themselves.  Of course, it is also suited to groups wanting competitive play, tournament prep, or court drills.  So start thinking about a few people you'd like to play with - set your groups up in advance if you'd like.  Use the club website member directory and WhatsApp groups to send messages to other members to help set up and communicate with other members.

    On Mondays and Thursdays, we'll have individual "Drop In" play for certain skill (rating) levels.   How will that work?  

    Drop In Play

    • Cost will be two stickers per member.

    • Guests sponsored by an attending member are allowed (for now at least) - the cost is three stickers.
    • No advanced registration needed (that's what "Drop In" means).
    • Thursdays will be for 3.0s and 3.5s only.
    • Mondays will be for 3.5s and 4.0s only.
    • No limits (at least initially) to the number of attendees - so everybody plays - but (typically) only with members of their skill level.
    • The play session Captain may decide to play round robin or paddle play.

    How will the courts be allocated between the two skill levels for drop in play?   The allocation will generally be based on the proportion of players  who are at each of the two levels.  For example:

    • If 12 to 15 players show up from each of the two skill levels, then each level will be allocated 3 courts
    • If 10 players of one skill level show up and 20 from another, the 10 would be allocated two courts and the 20 will be allocated four, but
    • If only 4 or 5 players of one level show up, they will be allocated at least one court.
    • If 3 or fewer players of one level show up, they will mix and play with those of the other skill level.

    Group Reserved Play AND Drop In Play

    • No prepayment will be needed - you pay with stickers upon arrival.

    • All play times are 10 am to 12 noon.

    Watch your emails and read the specific event details when they are posted to the Level 1 Sports Calendar.  Event details may evolve as we adapt to our members' take up of these great play opportunities.

    Pickleball Rule Changes

    The Official Pickleball Rulebook is reviewed and, to the extent necessary, revised and updated every year, as pickleball rules continue to evolve as the sport evolves.  As a result, it is important to stay up-to-date on pickleball rules changes so that you know the right call on the pickleball court (especially if you plan to play a pickleball tournament).

    If you are interested, please read click on the following link to learn about the 2023 calendar year rule changes:

    Message from the President

    From Eileen:

    As I reflect on the closing of another year I think about the countless hours our volunteers spend making this club work so well.  Thank you cannot be said enough times!

    Thank you, thank you so much the hard working board members, to our captains especially those who go the extra mile in this cold weather to deliver sticker sheets, to our training and mentoring team, Nicole Currie for managing Red Willow and organizing all of the training and mentoring, our health and safety team, our tech team including our new registration people - Cherran Simpson and Rachel Peltonen, our social team, our equipment manager, rating co-ordinators, tournament team, Nela - our binder and paper forms organizer, the nominating committee and other volunteers - and thank you also to these many volunteers' spouses and partners who put up with the hours they spend on behalf of SAPC.

    Merry Christmas and all the best for 2023!  May you find a new pickleball paddle under the tree!

    Until next time, keep your paddle up!  

  • 2022-12-09 12:04 | Anonymous

    In this issue:

     Board Nominations/Recruiting

     Guest/Visitor Play and Sticker Cost

    Board Nominations/Recruiting

    As members may or may not be aware, the SAPC Annual General Meeting is scheduled to take place in about 3 months on March 8, 2023.  Some of what takes place at the AGM is the election of Board members and other key positions.  The Board currently consists of the following individuals (incumbents): 

    President - Eileen McClean

    Vice President - James Porter

    Secretary - Douwe Spriensma

    Treasurer - Ray Keroack

    Director at Large, Web Manager - Tamas Virag, Edmonton Resident

    Director at Large, Tournaments - Ken Dentzien

    Director of Membership and Volunteers - Carol Mah

    Director of Communications - Roger Hutlet

    A number of the Board positions are up for re-election so interested individuals may apply for these positions as follows:

    Treasurer, Secretary and Director at Large (one of the two Director at Large positions) Please Note: The 3 current incumbents have requested that they NOT let their names stand for re-election to these positions.

    Non-Board roles that must also be elected at the AGM are:

    Ombudsperson  Note: this position is currently held by Mike Bowen

    Auditor  (If the auditor is a certified CPA, only one is needed, otherwise we need two)  Note: This position is currently held by Lawrence Taylor

    Nominating Committee (3 persons)

    If a member is interested in any of these positions, they should first read the Job Descriptions available on the SAPC website which can be accessed from this link.  

    On the following web page you will find the Ombudsperson job description:

    Please note that at our upcoming AGM we also will vote on a motion by Kevin McClean to increase the terms for the Ombudsperson, Auditor and the Nominating Committee to two years and that these terms will be staggered as warranted. 

    Candidates seeking to put their names forward for one of these positions can contact any member of the nominating committee (see contact details below) with a short bio stating why they would like to be nominated for the position.  If more than one candidate applies for a position, a ballot will be held at the AGM.

    Nominating Committee members currently include:

    Kevin McClean at 

    Gerry Gartner at 

    Jenna McCully at 

    A Nominating Committee report covering the candidates will be sent out to all members with the notice of the AGM in February, 2023.

    Guests / Visitors


    Members may invite guests, but those guests are only allowed to play as visitors twice each indoor season (this is to be based upon the honour system as tracking would be too difficult and cumbersome).  The following would apply to members wishing to host a guest:

    1.  Ask them to ensure that they have not been invited by other SAPC members more than once (as noted above they may only play as a guest twice per indoor season)

    2.  They are your responsibility so make sure that they follow all of our rules, procedures, safety policies and code of conduct

    3.  Guests may only be invited to school venues, not registered play sessions

    4.  Advise the captain that you have invited a guest and indicate as such on the play session paperwork

    4.  The member is responsible to ensure that the guest has stickers to pay for their session.


    Visitors may show up at non-registered (school) venues and they are entitled to play as a Visitor on 2 occasions before they would be compelled to become a Member of the SAPC.  Visitors should report to the Captain and identify themselves as a Visitor such that they would not need to show proof of membership.  The Captain will write down their name and indicate their Visitor status on the play sheet for that session while letting them know about the 2 visits only policy (the Captain must also ensure payment before including the Visitor in play for that session - see highlighted note below). 

    The Guest/Visitor cost to play rate is DOUBLE that of SAPC members, so two (2) stickers would apply for each Guest or Visitor.  Since most Visitors in particular would not have stickers, they would need to get/buy them from someone at the venue who is willing to supply same.

    Until next time, keep your paddle up!

  • 2022-10-26 16:38 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Dear SAPC Member,

    Have you been wondering about our indoor play this year?  Would you like to know more about our new venue in particular?  Well, read on!

    Organizing play for a new season (indoor versus outdoor) involves a lot of volunteer hours, planning and even some risk-taking.  We’re not sure how it will all turn out, and sometimes we have to guess a bit at what our members are looking for, when they’d like to play more, as well as where, with who, and for how much.  When you fill our events, we know we’ve hit the mark, at least partially, with some of you.

    We are very fortunate in our St. Albert club to have as many indoor venues and play times as we do.  Most Alberta clubs struggle to have an indoor season. In our club, we benefit from the past and current pro-active pursuit of all opportunities, sometimes snagging space before competing clubs and competing sports. That was the case with landing the play opportunities we now have with Level 1 Sports – our new venue at 145th St and Yellowhead Trail in Edmonton.  We’ve secured most play times, from 10 am to noon, Monday to Thursday, for nearly all days this indoor season. What a coup!

    One of our challenges with this new venue is keeping it full for the play times we have. Level 1 Sports has six courts, so can accommodate 24 people at once (26 with 2 spares), it has great lighting, great floors, few lines (and the pickleball ones are now better marked), ample space around most courts (two courts recently adjusted), and the kitchen lines are at a true “non-volley zone” width – so it beats our many school play venues on many fronts.

    One key disadvantage of this space though is our club has to make a commitment to use a certain amount of courts three-plus weeks in advance of the play.  Once the commitment is made and this change window expires, our club is on the hook for the rental cost, whether people show up or not. This is different than our situation with schools and Red Willow where we can fortunately cancel play with little notice to the venue owner and have no obligation to pay when we cancel without advanced notice.

    Being a bit risk-averse with YOUR club’s money, we have chosen to offset this Level 1 Sports commitment risk by selling “series play” – a set of four to six play times – in one package. This form of play was successful with some levels in the past, but it requires that we pretty-well fill the reservable spots in a series before its “change window” expires. 

    The upshot is that if a series does not fill well in advance of the first play date, we have to cancel the series or at least cut back on the number of courts we commit to using.  And if we have to cancel a series, because few are registering say to the “All Play”, “2.5” (beginner) play, or “3.0”, then we are also reluctant to schedule play for that level again in the next round of series.

    Now we know many of you have other commitments so cannot make it to four weekly plays in a row. Or you’re getting ready to head off to the south. Or, heaven forbid, you’re still working and can’t yet take advantage of this weekday play (your time will come!) But if none of these are holding you back – then you’re missing more fun with friends.

    If you are simply reluctant to make a commitment so far in advance, then our drop-in play at schools or our reserved play at Red Willow play is for you. But sometimes having fun requires a bit more planning – and a commitment.

    Now, the series play at Level 1 Sports doesn’t show up in our online calendars like our other play. Instead, only the first play date in a series is in our calendars. You have to open one of these events in the calendar to see the other play dates (and times) in the series. 

    Unlike our other play, we also issue you direct invitations (announcements) to the series play by email, enabling you to start making your reservation with a push of the button in the email.  This email is only sent to those in the level(s) eligible to play so, for example, only those club rated 4.0, 4.5 or 5.0 get the emails for our 4.0+ series play.

    If you lose the email, you can also make a reservation by going to the Level 1 Sport calendar and clicking on the event there. Don’t forget to look ahead a month in the calendar, because that’s where the series are that are open for registration.

    We currently have a few spots open for the following 4-week series play:

    If a series is full, don’t hesitate to go on the waiting list; several people typically get in this way.

    Look for emails or calendar entries for future play at Level 1 Sports to be published as follows:

    Registration Opening   Play Starting   Sessions; Series

    Nov 20 to 22 (target)   early January    4; Series I, J, K, L

    Dec 20 to 22                      February           4; Series M, N, O, P

    Jan 20 to 22                       March               4; Series Q, R, S, T

    Feb 20 to 22                       April                 4; Series U, V, W, X

    As there was negligible interest in 2.5 or All Play in a recent series, look for two new opportunities in January: “3.5+” and Partner Play.  Partner Play is like “All Play” in that players can be unrated or at any level, but you register with and generally play with the same partner each game. This is particularly suited to couples who are at different levels, but anyone can join in. If you need a partner, consider advertising for one in our WhatsApp or Facebook groups, or randomly message members via our member directory! Substitutions allowed.

    Do you have any doubts about trying Level 1 Sports and our series play?  Is there a question about this play you’d like answered before making a commitment to try this play? Do you have a suggestion for future series play? Email

    Did you miss seeing an invitation to past series? Check your junk mail or spam mail folder. Still not there? Ensure you have not unsubscribed to our emails.

    Want to know more about the topics below? Check out these webpages.

    How and Where to Play

    Some Play Calendars

    Membership Fees, Renewals and Credits

    • Membership Fees–see the “Fee Summary–2023” article on our home page
    • Renewing your membership for 2023–read this page, then click “Edit your member profile”, and then click the button “Renew to 2024-01-01”
    • How to use a member credit (must log in to see this page)

    All these webpages and more can also be found via our website menu.


    All of us who volunteer with our club, from the front-line captains to the many coordinators and teams behind the scenes, do so because we love the sport, the friendships, and the social interaction; we want to stay fit, smile and laugh; and we want to spread the joy to you and others.  These are all the same reasons you play and love this sport too. It is a real pleasure to be on the court with you!

    Keep your paddle up and have a great indoor season!

    The board of the St. Albert Pickleball Club

    Follow on Facebook

  • 2022-10-17 15:11 | Anonymous

    In this issue:

     Outdoor Play  Indoor Play
     Level 1 Sports  

    Outdoor Play

    We have received notice from our public operations team that the nets at all tennis courts and pickleball courts will be taken down on Friday, October 21, 2022.  With colder weather setting in it looks like the last full day of outdoor play will be this Thursday.  As such, this will be the last week of outdoor organized play and it may be intermittent as many of our captains are now captaining indoor sessions.  Keep up to date on WhatsApp for updates regarding outdoor play at your level.

    If you plan to go to the courts when the organized play session is cancelled, make sure you have your own pickleballs as there may not be a captain on site.  That being said, the outdoor courts are the Club's to use so continue to enjoy this week while this good weather continues!

    There are no evening outdoor sessions planned for this week as it is getting dark before 7:00 pm, but, once again, feel free to organize play with your friends until the nets are take down on Friday. 

    Indoor Play


    Remember stickers are needed for school venues (1 sticker) and registered play at Red Willow (2 stickers).


    Did you know that there are calendars which show all play sessions that pertain to each level of play?  You will find all of our Calendars on the SAPC website (click here).  For example if you are at the 3.5 level, just click on that Calendar (Rated 3.5 Calendar under the heading "Calendar by Rating and Training"), and you will only see the sessions that you are eligible to play in.  These Calendars do change from time to time, so it is best practice to verify the date, time and venue of your session before attending by quickly going to the appropriate website Calendar.

    Level 1 Sports Venue

    Everyone should check out the new sessions at the Level 1 Sports venue which begins this November - we need the sessions filled for them to be viable!   

    You can register by going to the "Level 1 Sports Calendar" (click here) and clicking on the session that applies to your rating level.  These new sessions are for 4 games over four weeks at a very good price per session (if you cannot make a session that's no problem just arrange for a substitute). 

    Until next time, keep your paddle up!  

  • 2022-10-09 14:02 | Anonymous

    In this issue:

     Indoor Play  Level 1 Sports

    Indoor Play

    As we all prepare for indoor play, the Board feels that it is important to reiterate some recent messaging in order to refresh your memory and to avoid the questions that inevitably arise at this time of year as we transition from outdoor to indoor play.  We would even recommend that you print off this Newsletter as reference material that you can refer to as you plan your fall and winter play schedule and prepare to head to your first few indoor sessions. 

    Membership Cards, Etc.

    A reminder to everyone to bring their SAPC membership card to all our sessions and events.  The card can be printed or displayed on a member's smartphone and will indicate the member's date of membership and current rating level.  This is particularly important for new members and members who have recently achieved a new SAPC rating level.  This becomes important for all members come January or February at which time everyone needs to provide proof of their 2023 membership renewal.  As noted in previous Newsletters, don't forget to also bring your stickers and a pair of clean, indoor athletic shoes for your indoor play as well.  Finally, keep yourself refreshed by bringing a water bottle or two (no other beverages are permitted at our indoor venues).


    Did you know that there are calendars which show all play sessions that pertain to each level of play?  You will find all of our Calendars on the SAPC website (click here).  For example if you are at the 3.5 level, just click on that Calendar (Rated 3.5 Calendar under the heading "Calendar by Rating and Training"), and you will only see the sessions that you are eligible to play in.  For new members especially, please note that the school venues are drop in sessions requiring 1 sticker and the Red Willow sessions are for pre-registered play requiring 2 stickers.  These Calendars do change from time to time, so it is best practice to verify the date, time and venue of your session before attending by quickly going to the appropriate website Calendar.

    Arrive on Time

    It is important for members to be at the school venues on time as we are not to disturb the school caretakers by ringing the school bell.  Instead, the captain will assign someone to "man the door" at the start of the session.  No one will be allowed to enter the school once ten minutes has passed beyond the scheduled start time for each session.

    Play Type

    Depending on the numbers of members playing at the school venues, the play type may be paddle play or round robin as determined by the play session captain.

    No Playing Up or Down

    While rating clinics may be scattered through out the winter months, there will continue to be no playing up at any sessions.  This is due to the fact that such exceptions are difficult to manage and maintain, especially with limited spaces at each venue.

    Furthermore, members should read the "Levels of Play" article on the Play Types page (click here) as "playing down" is no longer available for play designated at a particular level.  New members in particular should read the updated "Indoor Play, 2022-23" article on the same page to learn about the venues that are drop in versus reserved play and the cost to play at each venue.

    School Venues

    Entry to the schools is by the main door.   Members will place outdoor shoes just inside the foyer.  All other belongings are to brought inside the gym.  There is no leaving the school gyms to wander through the schools at any time.  Washrooms are accessible within all of the gyms except for Holy Family.

    Please note that past Covid-related protocols will no longer be in place.  For example, we will not be asking members to be distanced apart .   That being said, please feel free to do what you feel is comfortable for you.  If you want to mask between games, social distance, etc., you are absolutely encouraged to do so - we are leaving this up to each individual.

    Reserved Play at Red Willow

    All Red Willow players should note that we are taking advantage of technology to decrease some volunteer/administrative burden.  We will now let our systems automatically open reserved play events for registration rather than opening them manually on Friday afternoons. 

    We found that the manual approach was quite a bit of work and, while some of us seemed to enjoy hovering around the computer or our devices on Friday afternoons to be the first to register, the elimination of that perk now means that Red Willow registered events will generally open the Friday before at 12:00:01 am (in case you're wondering, this is just after midnight at the end of Thursday)  Note:  We wish our system allowed us to specify a time of registration opening in addition to a day, but it currently does not.

    Please note that registration play and attendance is capped at 12 members - 11 members who register and 1 spot for the session captain.  Members should not hesitate to go on the waitlist if the session is full; there are often cancellations.  If there is a cancellation, the first person on the waiting list will receive an email - please respond quickly so that the open position can be filled if you are no longer interested or available.

    You will note that there are a few days where there is All Play as well as play for various rating levels.  Please only register for one session per day.  If you see that a session is not full the night before the event, then you may feel free to register for another session on that same day - it is only under these circumstances that you would be able to participate in 2 play sessions on the same day.

    As noted above for the schools, please be advised that past Covid-related protocols will no longer be in place at Red Willow.  For example, we will not be sanitizing after each session nor distancing the chairs.   Once again, however, members should fee free to do what they feel is comfortable.  If you want to mask between games, social distance, etc., you may certainly do so as we are leaving this up to your personal discretion.

    Please help out the captains who are starting the first and last sessions of the day.  Kindly, assist in the set up and taking down the nets, putting away the chairs, etc.

    You may now enter the Red Willow foyer a few minutes early and wait for your session to begin.  This will allow you to remove your shoes and otherwise prepare for your session.   However, please stay to the side in the foyer allowing the group that is leaving space to collect their coats/shoes and to easily leave the venue.  Do not enter the church gym until everyone in the previous session has left.   Members should not leave any valuables in the foyer as the Church and Club will not be responsible for loss nor theft.

    No one is permitted to enter Red Willow for the first session until 8:50 am.  - this is a strict start time.  As such, we ask that if you are registered for the first session of the day that you please be on time in order to help get the session started on time.  We will plan on each session having cleared the gym a few minutes before the end time of the session; that will allow the gym to be cleared of players before the next group goes in.


    Members may invite guests, but those guests are only allowed to play as visitors twice each indoor season (this is to be based upon the honour system as tracking would be too difficult and cumbersome).  The following would apply to members wishing to host a guest:

    1.  Ask them to ensure that they have not been invited by other SAPC members more than once (as noted above they may only play as a guest twice per indoor season)

    2.  They are your responsibility so make sure that they follow all of our rules, procedures, safety policies and code of conduct

    3.  Guests may only be invited to school venues, not registered play sessions

    4.  Advise the captain that you have invited a guest and indicate as such on the play session paperwork

    4.  The member is responsible to ensure that the guest has stickers to pay for their session; the rate is double that of SAPC members, so two stickers would apply for each guest 

    Level 1 Sports Venue

    We have raised the registration limit for Series A and B from 24 to 26. It’s always nice having a couple extra players, especially in the event of no-shows.  Note:  We still recommend that people who are going to be absent try to find a replacement.

    Members can arrive at Level 1 Sports 30 minutes earlier than the start time of their session.  There may be someone else in the gym at that time  so members are asked to wait in the entrance way.  If the venue is empty, the captain or captains can start organizing the play. 

    Please note that the construction outside this venue should be completed within a month.  We recognize in the meantime that access to this venue is limited, so please allow time particularly for your first visit.


    Given that we are now celebrating Thanksgiving weekend, I believe that it is a good time to reflect on the many things that we should be thankful for.  Each of us, of course, have our own list of items in this regard, but here are some that you may share with me:

    • This great autumn weather that we have been experiencing that has allowed us to extend our outdoor play season while enjoying the company of our friends as we play a game we love
    • The SAPC Board and our President in particular who has secured us many indoor venues allowing us to continue to enjoy pickleball during the cold fall and winter months ahead - great work Eileen!
    • The volunteer spirit of our Club and the hard work that is put in by so many: 

    - the folks who work on our website allowing us to register for play sessions, pay for stickers and memberships, etc. (you know those behind the scenes administrative and accounting types!)

    - our tournament and special even teams led by Ken,

    - those members who volunteer to train and assist other      members

    - our indoor and outdoor captains,

    - the folks who clean the outdoor courts,

    - those who set up and take down the indoor nets

    - the list goes on....


    Until next time, keep your paddle up! 

  • 2022-10-03 11:44 | Anonymous

    In this issue:

     Reserved Play Coordinator  Health & Safety Committee
     Indoor Play  Level 1 Sports Venue
     Paddle Advice from the Experts  

    Open Position - Reserved Play Coordinator

    Your club has another great opportunity to join one of the many fun teams that keep our club humming.  Are you ready to volunteer a few hours per month? 

    We would like to begin by thanking Carol Peabody for her dedication and hard work as our retiring Reserved Play (aka Registered Play) Coordinator.  If this sport were hockey, we would be retiring Carol's jersey number!  Carol has occupied this key volunteer role for the last two years while also fulfilling many other volunteer roles and pursuits.  We wish her all the best and know that Carol will continue to play as much pickleball as her busy schedule allows! 

    With Carol's departure, we now have an opening for our Reserved Play Coordinator.  No prior experience is needed as we can teach you this straightforward job from square one; we'll always be around to support you - providing coaching, backup and more!

    The duties of this vacant role include the following:

    1.   Setting up reserved play events in our reserved play calendar (based on instructions from our venue manager and Red Willow venue coordinator),

    2.   Monitoring  events and cancelling sessions if and when required,

    3.   Using our e-mail account and responding to e-mails sent to that account, and

    4.   About once every month or two, you would be setting up several reserved play events.  This is just a matter of duplicating a previous similar event and adjusting a few settings like the start date and time

    This work can be done from any computer with access to the internet; interested parties should be aware that backup resources are available to take over in cases of illness, holidays, etc.  Further, Carol advises that she found the software used for this purpose to be easy to use.

    Once again, no previous experience is needed although an affinity for using computers and software is an advantage.   If you are interested or have any questions, please email Ray Keroack by clicking here.

    Health & Safety Committee

    Please be advised that the SAPC would like to rebuild it's Health & Safety Committee.   We would love to have one or more individuals with a background in health to volunteer to be on this Committee and supplement the efforts of Jeanine who is ensuring that our health/emergency aid kits are kept properly stocked at all venues.  The Committee would help us with the following:

    1.  Reviewing our current health and safety policies and practices while making recommendations for improvement, 

    2.  Assessing the adequacy of our health and safety procedures and the aforementioned safety kits as well as related training and making recommendations regarding same, and

    3.  Providing and advice and counsel to the Board, play captains and other Club volunteers related to health and safety matters and related questions that may arise

    Interested parties should contact Eileen by clicking here

    Indoor Play

    Membership Cards, Etc.

    A reminder to everyone to bring their SAPC membership card to all our sessions and events.  The card can be printed or on their smartphone and will indicate the member's date of membership and current rating level.  This is particularly important for new members and members who have recently achieved a new SAPC rating level.  This becomes important for all members come January or February at which time everyone needs to provide proof of their 2023 membership renewal.  As noted in previous Newsletters, don't forget to also bring your stickers and a pair of clean, indoor athletic shoes for your indoor play as well.

    Arrive on Time

    It is important for members to be at the school venues on time or, if unavoidable, within TEN minutes of play session time as we are not to disturb the school caretakers by ringing the school bell.  Instead, the captain will assign someone to "man the door" at the start of the session.  No one will be allowed to enter the school once ten minutes has passed beyond the scheduled start time for each session.

    Play Type

    Depending on the numbers of members playing at the school venues, the play type may be paddle play or round robin as determined by the play session captain.

    No Playing Up or Down

    While rating clinics may be scattered through out the winter months, there will continue to be no playing up at any sessions.  This is due to the fact that such exceptions are difficult to manage and maintain, especially with limited spaces at each venue.

    Furthermore, members should read the "Levels of Play" article on the Play Types page (click here) as "playing down" is no longer available for play designated at a particular level.  New members in particular should read the updated "Indoor Play, 2022-23" article on the same page to learn about the venues that are drop in versus reserved play and the cost to play at each venue.

    Reserved Play

    All Red Willow players should note that we are taking advantage of technology to decrease some volunteer/administrative burden.  We will now let our systems automatically open reserved play events for registration rather than opening them manually on Friday afternoons. 

    We found that the manual approach was quite a bit of work and, while some of us seemed to enjoy hovering around the computer or our devices on Friday afternoons to be the first to register, the elimination of that perk now means that Red Willow registered events will generally open the Friday before at 12:00:01 am (in case you're wondering, this is just after midnight at the end of Thursday)  Note:  We wish our system allowed us to specify a time of registration opening in addition to a day, but it currently does not.


    Members may invite guests, but those guests are only allowed to play as visitors twice each indoor season (this is to be based upon the honour system as tracking would be too difficult and cumbersome).  The following would apply to members wishing to host a guest:

    1.  Ask them to ensure that they have not been invited by other SAPC members more than once (as noted above they may only play as a guest twice per indoor season)

    2.  They are your responsibility so make sure that they follow all of our rules, procedures, safety policies and code of conduct

    3.  Guests may only be invited to school venues, not registered play sessions

    4.  Advise the captain that you have invited a guest and indicate as such on the play session paperwork

    4.  The member is responsible to ensure that the guest has stickers to pay for their session; the rate is double that of SAPC members, so two stickers would apply for each guest 

    Level 1 Sports Venue

    We have raised the registration limit for Series A and B from 24 to 26. It’s always nice having a couple extra players, especially in the event of no-shows.  Note:  We still recommend that people who are going to be absent try to find a replacement.

    Please note that Series A (3.5 rating level) still has two spots open. 

    Paddle Advice for Pickleballers

    An informative Article from "In a Pickle" - Sean and Leslie:

    We are often surprised when we come across people at the courts who didn’t know that we are in the business of selling paddles (in addition to being the Club raters for which we are most well known).   Anyway, we thought we would share some insights on your choice of paddle for pickleball play.

    It is often difficult to watch people playing with a paddle that we feel is not the best choice for them.  So whether you purchase your paddle from us or not….here are some things you should consider when deciding which paddle is the right one for you.

    We look for a paddle that is forgiving, easy to play with and easy on our body.  While thinner, hard hitting paddles may give you lots of power…they may also be less forgiving on the courts - and on your arm!  A thicker and softer paddle will usually be more forgiving and better dampen vibration.  Please note that you can still generate power from this type of paddle if that is your goal.

    It’s a misconception that smaller and not so strong players need a lighter (7.6oz and under) paddle…when in fact, in our opinion, it’s the opposite.  A heavier (7.8oz and up) paddle will do more of the work for you, thereby taking less effort to accomplish the same result - that should help you make more controlled shots while being easier on your body.  Conversely, it is our experience that players with shoulder issues often are using a paddle that is too light. 

    Players who develop elbow issues often get them from using a paddle with a grip that is too thin for them.  As a rule of thumb when you grip your paddle you should have about a fingers width between your longest finger and your thumb. 

    How to know when it might be time for a new paddle…

    If you have purchased a well made paddle, chances are you will get bored of your paddle and just want the latest and greatest before it breaks down.  But if it feels or sounds “off” check the edge guard - if it’s loose at all, the integrity of the paddle head has been compromised and the ball will no longer come off the paddle face like it should.  If you have a loose edge guard your paddle needs to be replaced. 

    Other things to consider when choosing your paddle:

    Head shape

    Handle length

    Colour choices

    And, MOST IMPORTANTLY…how it feels when you play with it!   We recommend demoing a few models before making your choice!

    Something you won’t get when you go to a sporting goods or hardware store is expert advice and the opportunity to try the paddle out first. 

    Hope you found this information helpful. 

    Thank you.

    Leslie and Sean,

    Until next time, keep your paddle up!

  • 2022-09-19 11:57 | Anonymous

    In this issue:

     September "Fun" Tournament - Thank Yous  Indoor Play
     Level 1 Sports - New Venue  Credits on your Account
     2023 Memberships  

    SAPC Fall Windup Tournament 

    Thank you Ken and your team of volunteers for another successful "Fun" tournament a couple of weekends ago.  A great time was had by all those who attended and we appreciate all of the work done by volunteers to make this event a great success.  If you want to see pictures taken at the venue and learn more about who earned medals at this event, we would encourage you to visit the SAPC Facebook group page.

    Indoor Play

    Many of you who've had such great fun playing this whole summer are asking, "when does fall indoor play start and where are we playing?"  Others of you have perhaps been too busy enjoying other pursuits, but are also eager to start some indoor play.  Well, read on for all the answers we have so far!


    We're happy to say that we will again provide organized club play at Red Willow, Bertha Kennedy, Joseph Demko, Sister Alphonse, JJ Nearing and Holy Family.  

    We've also secured two new venues this year - Lois Hole School and Level 1 Sports (see separate article on Level 1 Sports below). 

    Unfortunately, things haven't worked out for Sturgeon School nor North Pointe Community Church, but we're always on the look out for more reasonably priced venues to give you as many play opportunities as possible.

    Indoor play will begin in late September or early October at our various indoor venues.  You may receive e-mails with more specifics as details are worked out regarding dates, times and rating levels for the various venues that have been secured.  The best source of information will always be the Calendar information available on the SAPC website.  You should note that for the school venues that have been secured, those Calendars are now visible on the SAPC website.   As well, please consider the fact that the available play days at each school venue may change from month to month, so you should always be checking the on line Calendar (eg. Bertha Kennedy only offers two Fridays per month - you cannot assume that play will occur every Friday evening).

    It bears repeating - the most accurate and up-to-date information on upcoming indoor play is in those Calendars which you can access by clicking on this link If you  are not familiar with these Calendars, here's what you need to know:

    • your Club website has a Calendar menu and Calendar page for each of our venues,
    • the combined "Indoor" Calendar shows all the advertised indoor play, all on one page,
    • the "Reserved Play" Calendar shows all reservable sessions and reservable series play
    • the Calendar for each level (eg. 3.0) shows all the play that players at that level can either drop in for or reserve

    Many thanks to Eileen our Venue Manager for all of her hard work in negotiating and securing these venues for our growing number of members - we really appreciate having so many indoor play options as the cold weather sets in.  As well, Ray and Carol have done a tremendous job in getting all of the relevant play session details into the SAPC website using the software that is available for this purpose - this is not easy and takes a lot of time and dedication!


    The Club has grown tremendously in recent months and some of those new members may not be aware that stickers are our currency of choice for indoor play.  If you do not already have a supply of stickers, they may be purchased by logging into the SAPC website and clicking on this link.  If you have a past supply of stickers you should note that they do not expire and may still be used. 

    Generally speaking, players must bring one sticker to drop in play sessions and two stickers are required for reserved play (eg. Red Willow Church).


    Please note that Captains are needed for the following play sessions:

    • the ALL session on Fridays at Holy Family School 
    • the 3.0 session at Bertha Kennedy on Friday evenings
    • the Saturday 2.5 session at Bertha Kennedy 
    • the Saturday ALL session at Bertha Kennedy

    If you are interested in volunteering to be a captain, please do so by emailing and advising which session you would like to captain.

    Please note that Captain Clinics will be taking place at Red Willow Church on September 29th at 9:30 am and 6:00 pm.  These sessions will provide a review for all past captains and new captains will learn out procedures and be provided with other relevant information.

    Many thanks to all of our captains and volunteers - we could not run these sessions without you generously offering your time and support.


    Please note that for ALL indoor venues players must bring and use only indoor shoes.  No outdoor shoes are permitted beyond the foyer/entrance to these facilities.

    Series Play - Level 1 Sports (New Venue)

    You could say we were lucky to get this new venue, but good luck often goes to those who are prepared.  And it was Eileen's diligence with another of our sports affiliates that resulted in this lead - it was her pursuit of that lead that landed us this great opportunity.  Thanks Eileen!

    For more information about this new venue including its location please click on this link.

    As you may have noticed, we are announcing Series Play by direct email to each member qualified to register in that series.  For example, all members with a 3.5 consolidated club rating are getting an email for each 3.5 series play session.  If you haven't seen these emails, check your junk or spam folder.  If needed, designate that mail as "safe" or designate the sender's email address to be a safe sender.  If you've opted out of getting emails you would need to opt back in.

    Now that Eileen has secured this new venue, we just have to fill up our proposed play times so we can hold onto this golden opportunity.  How do we do that?  By quickly filling (selling) all available reservable slots in our series play.  So, if you haven't already seen some emails from us on this venue:

    1.  Go to the Level 1 Sports Calendar and flip ahead to October,
    2.  Find a series that is at your level, read the details carefully, and reserve and pay for your spot.
    3.  If you are interested in a series but it is full, add your name to the waiting list as some cancellations are expected.  If you are at the top of the waiting list you will get an automatic email inviting you to pay to fill an open spot - please be quick because our system will offer the spot to the next member on the list if you don't respond
    4.  If you don't yet see a series for you, check back later or watch your email.   We are releasing more as soon as the current ones fill up.

    So far, based both on the actual reservations we're seeing and based on email requests to our Venue Manager (Eileen), we're offering or planning to offer:

    •  Series A:  a Monday morning series of 6 weekly plays for 24 to 26 players at the 3.5 club consolidated rating level,
    •  Series B:  a Tuesday* morning series of 6 weekly plays for 24 to 26 4.0+'s (4.0, 4.5 and 5.0)
    •  Series C1 and C2:  a Wednesday* morning series of 6 weekly plays for 13 3.5's; and another for 13 4.0+s
    •  Series D1 and D2:  a Thursday* morning series of 6 weekly plays for 13 3.0+ (3.0 and 3.5); and another for 13 All play (unrated players or players at any level)
    Note:  Some sessions on a series may be on a different day or a different time; always read the event details before registering.

    The above series all start the week of October 10th and end the week of November 16th.  We will also offer series E, F, G and H which will run from the week of Nov 21 to December 12.  We will likely start advertising these sessions during the third week of October - just after the first series have started up.

    We will have to cancel any series that does not completely fill 18 to 20 days before the first session in that series.  You should note that if the club cancels, you will get a refund. 

    How does Level 1 Sports compare to other indoor venues and play opportunities, you ask?   Well:

    •  The tetraflex sports floor is better for pickleball than either concrete or plywood,
    •  There is ample room around each court for those "around the post" shots and running serves,
    •  Each set of 2 courts has a divider to contain balls,  
    •  You get maximum play time in your two hours, and
    •  You get to play with the very friendly members of our great club (all rated the same way you are!)
    •  The cost per session of our series play is less than, say, the drop in rate at a local city facility 

    What does SAPC series play at Level 1 Sports cost?

    •  A series of 6 play sessions costs $47.62 ($50 with GST)
    •  A series of 4 play sessions costs $32.38 ($34 with GST)

    Credits on your Account

    If you have a club credit, be sure to use that credit in your next club purchase.  The credit can be used for reserved series play, membership fees, sticker cards or other items sold through our Wild Apricot website.  To use your credit, follow the process on our "Member Help FAQ" page, under the Members menu (you must be logged in to see that page).

    2023 Memberships

    2023 Memberships may be purchased starting October 1.  Any membership bought on October 1, 2022 or later (up to September 30, 2023) is effective to the end of December 2023.

    Don't forget that you must also renew your PIckleball Alberta and Pickleball Canada memberships, and should do so before renewing your SAPC membership.  See the Join webpage at for more details.

    Until next time, keep your paddle up! 

  • 2022-08-10 14:41 | Anonymous

    In this issue:

     September "Fun" Tournament  Ladder/Shootout Play

    SAPC Fall Windup Tournament for Members Only

    We will be having a fun tournament for members only on Saturday,  September 10th (rainout day is September 11th).  The format will be a blind round robin (you will have a different partner for every game) followed by playoffs for top players in each pool.  The tournament will be posted on Pickleball Brackets on Monday, August 15th and the cost will be $10 per player (plus a processing fee of $1.91) which includes your entry fee as well as light lunch.  Tournament play will start at 8:30 am and go into mid afternoon so please do not register if you cannot commit for that time frame.  Below is the link that will take you directly to the tournament site:

    Ladder/Shootout Play

    Some of you have been asking how to register for our League play sessions (aka ladder play or shootouts).   Well, first of all, the period for those registrations has passed for this summer.   The League Manager has a waiting list and may allow a small intake of new registrants from that list as we experience declining attendance for these sessions in the late summer; should that occur, and you are on that list, no action needs to be taken as the Manager will reach out to you in order - just respond quickly if you are invited.

    Of course, we wish we could accommodate everyone's wishes all the time, but we have two main constraints: 

    • court space (which is currently determined by the City's decisions regarding allocated club time), and
    • volunteer capacity  
    Please don't hesitate to let us know how you would like to help with either constraint.

    Watch out for Newsletter updates regarding ladder play next spring when we announce the ladder play session(s) and open up registration for these sessions.  Once the maximum number of players is reached (there is always considerable demand), the registration is shut down so you must act quickly.  You should note that you are not committing to every play session for the summer, but we recommend that you only register if you plan to attend many or most of the sessions - otherwise you are taking up the slot of another member who may have interest in playing most or all sessions.

    Until next time, keep your paddle up!

  • 2022-07-20 15:45 | Anonymous

    In this issue:

     Tournaments  Shirt Sales
     Junior Jamboree    Instructor Certification Program
     Health & Safety Coordinator  


    June Fun Tournament

    The SAPC website has now been updated with pictures from the Club's June Fun tournament.  Please view those pictures here.

    July Sanctioned Tournament

    Thank you Ken and your team of volunteers for putting on a great tournament last weekend.  Thankfully the weather cooperated and everyone had a great time and some members even came away with medals.  Thank you to those folks who provided pastry and other food items throughout the tournament, for those who agreed to assist in set up and take down, those who refereed games and those who ran the software and assisted in organizing game play - it takes so much effort to run a tournament like this and all those members who volunteered or played in the tournament did St. Albert proud!

    For information on who medaled and to see pictures taken at the event over the course of the three days, please visit the SAPC Facebook Group pages (some of these pictures will eventually be posted on the SAPC website).

    Shirt Sales

    For those Members who purchased product, thank you for generously supporting the St. Albert Pickleball Club with your recent purchases of shirts and/or balls.   You may be interested to know that the Club sold:

    • 87 shirts of which 66 are t-shirts and 21 are polo shirts
    • 76 sets of pickleball balls of which 49 sets are Franklin outdoor balls, 17 sets of Onix outdoor balls, and 10 sets of Onix indoor balls

    Thanks again to Rosemary Pon and her sales team for all of their hard work in organizing shirt and ball sales, arranging for members to pick up their purchases, etc.  Your time and effort is very much appreciated!

    Junior Jamboree

    From: Brenda Feser, Director of Junior Pickleball, Pickleball Alberta

    Please be advised of the Junior Jamboree to be hosted on Saturday, August 20th in Red Deer.   

    The Jamboree Day will look like this:

    • 11:00 am Registration

    • Players will be assigned to a group leader

    • Round Robin games (or introduction for those who are new to PB)
    • Giveaways throughout the afternoon
    • BBQ
    • Concluding by 3:00 pm.
    Please note that Junior players ages 8-18 of any skill level (including beginners) are welcome to register whether they are a registered member of Pickleball Alberta or not.   Interested players should register at .  Scroll down to Junior Jamboree and hit the REGISTER button.

    Instructor Certification Program

    Canada's National Pickleball Instructor Certification Program is returning to Alberta in August!   Alberta will once again be hosting two Instructor 1: Introducing Pickleball courses.  This is the first step on Pickleball Canada's coach education pathway (details below): 

    Monday August 15 - Red Deer, Alberta

    Location:  St. Joseph's High School (2700 67 Street), Red Deer, Alberta 

    Time: 9am - 5pm (plus 5:15pm - 8:15pm August 9th for virtual training)

    Cost: $269+tax 

    Tuesday August 16 - Cochrane, Alberta

    Location: Quigley Park 417 1 Street East, Cochrane, Alberta

    Time: 9am - 5pm (plus 5:15pm - 8:15pm on August 10 for virtual training)

    Cost: $269+tax

    To register for a course please go to and click the white "Pickleball Coach Education" tile.  From there it is pretty straightforward to register for either course.

    Health & Safety Coordinator

    Please be advised that Leslie Macadam has stepped down as the Club's Health & Safety Coordinator.  Thanks Leslie for all the hard work that you have put into this role - it has been very much appreciated!

    The duties of this role include gathering materials for and preparing the first aid kits and then updating the supplies when needed.  First aid supplied must be procured for the kits and the cost of same is reimbursed by the Treasurer.  Kits are to be maintained at the indoor venues during winter indoor play and at the Alpine clubhouse during summer outdoor play.   This person needs to coordinate with Play Captains and the Equipment Manager, as well as conducting occasional visits to these venues, in order to understand when the safety kits need to be filled/updated.   Additional materials may be stored at the Coordinator's home and used for replenishment as required.

    If anyone is interest in this now vacant role, please respond to myself at  and I will put you in touch with the necessary person or persons to get you started.

    Until next time, keep your paddle up!


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