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News / Newsletters

Some of our news is on the Home page. Scroll down on that page to see several key articles.

The newsletters below contain the rest of our news.  Click a newsletter subject to open up that newsletter.

Our club also uses Facebook for unofficial and social inter-member communications. Sometimes, sudden play or clinic changes are also announced on Facebook. Only SAPC members are granted access to our closed group on Facebook.  Follow us on Facebook.

  • 2020-04-10 14:23 | Anonymous member

    Help the Board make our Club be the best it can be for you!

    The Board has an "open door" policy that invites members to bring suggestions or concerns forward; here are three ways.

    1. Contact a Board member directly (scroll to the bottom of the our Home Page for email addresses)
    2. Email the Secretary
    3. Arrange to attend a video-conference Board Meeting to present your ideas.
  • 2020-03-30 10:48 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Dear Member - click the newsletter title to read articles on:

     NOT Business As Usual  Welcome Gary Spencer
     AGM Online Solution  Membership Renewal
     Facebook Presence  More Leaders Training
     Non-Competitive Play  Closing Thoughts

    NOT Business as Usual

    These are definitely trying times.  We feel your pain, we share your anguish.  But we also know, and hope you know, that we can all get through this.  Our world, our communities, our families, and we as individuals can and will get through these trying times.  

    It is definitely NOT business as usual, in any part of our lives.  But knowing we will get through this, we carry on with our planning, with our caring, and our doing.  Perhaps, for some of us, "carrying on" is therapy -- a diversion. For others, it is confidence, or duty, or honour, or love for our fellow pickleball player and fellow inhabitant of this small planet.  Whatever the reason, we hope you know this newsletter and all our actions, are carried out with you, our members, in our hearts.

    Be well, stay safe and stay strong.

    Your caring board, Eileen, Gary, Douwe, Ray, Claude, and Gary

    Welcome Gary Spencer, Communications Director

    Yes, we now have two Gary's on our board. Please join us in welcoming Gary Spencer, our new Communications Director. Gary, a new and active club member, graciously and generously offered his time to serve on our board.

    We quickly jumped at the opportunity to take advantage of his expertise in communications, business management, and strategic planning, not to mention his information technology skills. As is our practice, Gary was informally interviewed by our Nominating Committee (thanks Mike Bowen) and at our March 28 online board meeting, he was unanimously voted in. 

    We are very much looking forward to working with Gary and spreading the workload out even more -- an objective the board has been successfully pursuing all year, as recommended by our Nominating Committee and by you, our members.

    Annual General Meeting (AGM) - Online Solution

    We are required to have one of these AGMs every year, and you deserve the annual opportunity to review the progress our club has made, provide input to the club's future directions, review our finances, elect new board directors, and (if you've let us know in advance) to raise any other matters you'd like the club to consider.

    Of course, we can't meet in person unless we get a big space to keep everyone separated and limit attendance, but that still has some health implications -- and your health and safety is too important to risk for this purpose. So we are looking to have this AGM online. That means you would use a computer and some software to connect in a video-conference call.  If you are familiar with Facetime on an iPad or iPhone, or Skype on other devices, you already know how to do this with those programs.  Other video-conferencing apps or programs operate similarly.  We would need to use a program suited to a larger number of participants than Facetime can handle.

    Before the June AGM, we would provide specific instructions on how to access and use the software you can help us pick.  There appear to be two fairly economical software products that might suit our needs: Google Hangouts Meet and Zoom.  We know there are at least a dozen other products out there as well, but we're focusing our research on these two for now, as our own experience with Google Hangout Meet is favourable and Zoom is definitely an industry leader in this area.  More specifically:

    • There is no additional cost for us to use Google Hangouts Meet, it works well for our online Board meetings, and meets all of our requirements except for an integrated online voting capability.
    • The cost to use Zoom on a one time basis is very small, and Zoom incorporates online voting (polling) capability.
    • Both of these products have base (non-corporate) version that can apparently accommodate up to 100 participants.  However the free version of Zoom only allows meetings of up to 40 minutes, so we'd have to purchase the next version up to have a longer online AGM.

    We have two questions for you:

    1. Are you okay with this video-conferencing approach for an AGM?  (We really have no other choice if we wish to have an AGM in June and stay in compliance with our bylaws, but we'd like your input on this question anyway.  If you are not okay, do you have an alternative we may have overlooked?)
    2. Should SAPC:
      1. go with the cheaper product, even though it means our AGM would have to be broken into two parts: a video-conference session followed by voting via separate communications, or
      2. spend a few bucks and test out Zoom?

    If you have an opinion on this, or have experience using the low-cost version of either of these products with audiences of 50 to 80 participants, please email and

    Together, we're smarter, stronger and better.

    Membership Renewals


    Our new membership management system is set up to issue reminders to any member who has not renewed:

    • 60 days and 10 days before the Apr 30 membership expiry, and
    • Apr 30, the day of membership expiry.

    We understand some of you may not want to renew until some form of organized play resumes. That is okay, for the most part. We just wanted to let you know though that we still plan to have an Annual General Meeting in June (it will likely be online as described in the above article), and you need to be a member to participate in this meeting.  So please do renew your membership by April 30 if you plan to be part of our AGM -- and we sure hope you do!

    By the way, the requirement to be a member to vote in our AGM is something our membership agreed as part of our bylaws, and this is a typical requirement for non-profit organizations like ours.

    For those who would still prefer to delay renewing their membership:

      • After April 30, you will no longer get emails notifying you of club news postings, but you will still be able to read those postings on our web-site.
      • For up to 12 more months, you will be able to log-in with your password to renew your membership, without having to recreate your profile.
      • Until you renew your membership, you will not be able to:
      • purchase sticker cards,
      • participate in indoor organized play at member (1-sticker) rates, or
      • participate in member-only sessions such as shoot-outs, ladders or other reserved play.

    However, you will be able to participate in indoor organized play at visitor (2-sticker) rates.

    We don't know how long it will be before we can resume organized play.  Hopefully, it will be in time to catch at least part of the outdoor season.  But if it is not, the indoor season will provide more than enough value to justify your annual membership. 

    Frankly, your board did consider lowering the annual fee for 20/21 and giving a partial credit to those who have already paid their annual membership.  But a sober second thought prevailed, because:

    • Our fee is already extremely low, compared to memberships in other pickleball clubs and in other sports.
    • There is even better value in our club as we offer more play times per year, on a per-member basis, than others.
    • $10 of each membership goes to Pickleball Alberta and Pickleball Canada, so there is limited room for reduction.
    • It is administratively burdensome to generate manual credits and refunds or to administer  multiple or mid-year changes to membership fees.
    • There is also a growing need to build the financial capacity to have even more play facilities in future. Reducing fees reduces our capacity to keep building for the future.
    So the membership fee will remain at $30 per year for 2020/21, and we hope you still consider that to be great value, even with a reduced play season.

    Facebook Presence Enhanced

    We love it when members and leaders come forward with ideas.  Tara Tchir, our Facebook Coordinator, took a seminar on social media and spotted a hole in our Facebook presence. Facebook is another portal for organizations to the outside world, and we were missing a piece of that -- a page that would direct the curious, including potential members in St. Albert, to our website and to our club. Tara has now filled that void by creating such a Facebook page for us.  

    Note that this new Facebook page is different than the private (closed) Facebook group we already had, and it serves a different purpose. Our new Facebook page extends our reach into the community and helps secure our position as THE pickleball club in St. Albert. You can invite anyone on Facebook to join this page that you think would be interested in the world of pickleball.  Posts on the page will be limited to admin only, as it is solely to promote our club and website. 

    Thanks Tara, both for your idea and for implementing it for our club.

    Our members-only Facebook Group continues to be a place where members can share (post) information with each other about any pickleball or club-related matters.  Members can use this site, for example, to set up play times with each other, set up other social connections, communicate (non-officially) about lost and found items, and entertain each other with pickleball related humour and news. The club may occasionally use the site to communicate some urgent play changes, but these communications are unofficial and are not consistently provided -- the website play calendars, our other website content, and our emails are the only official electronic means of club communications to members. 

    Just less than half our members have joined the Facebook group -- but all are connected to our website. As long as one follows the guidelines, any added member can post in our 'St. Albert Pickleball - members only' group. You must be a current member to join or remain in our closed Facebook group.  

    More Leaders Training to Use our Technology

    As you may gather from past rating clinic advertisements, our Rating Clinic Coordinators Gerry Gartner and Karen Cabot were handling (and will someday soon again be handling) rating clinic registrations using our new Wild Apricot membership system.

    Next, Faye Hood, Gerry Hood, Ron Parker and Carolyn Ross, leaders of our tournament teams, were shown how to use the new system to handle online tournament registrations.  Whenever our next tournament is held, these fine folks are ready to go with the use of our new system too.

    With the suspension of all play, including reserved play, we have given up our subscription to Sign Up Genius (SUG).  Does that mean shootout play and other reserved play is dead?  Not at all!  When we are ready to go again, reserved play will be handled through our new Wild Apricot (WA) website and membership management system. This was part of the business case for adopting the WA technology, and we're happy to trim some of our IT costs by giving up SUG, knowing that our WA software can handle it all.  And, you guessed it, our Registered Play Coordinator, Carol Peabody, is eager to learn our software so she can post and manage our reserved play using WA in future.

    And last but not least, Gary Spencer, our new Communications Director, has already begun learning to use WA. He will be editing and producing our next newsletter and email alert, and then we know he'll be eagerly seeking even more ways to help all of us serve you, our membership.

    Non-Competitive Play

    Our survey results are still being analyzed and formatted for publication, but your board has already considered one of the apparent conclusions of the survey: many members are not rated, would prefer to never be rated, and are really only seeking some fun, non-competitive play.

    Yes, we already knew that, and we hear you now.  To respond, we will offer more non-competitive play opportunities in the future.  These are called "All Play" sessions in our calendar.  Captains at these sessions are hereby encouraged to pass on the message to members at these sessions that the emphasis at these sessions is fun, not winning. (Cheering a good shot is always appropriate, of course, but comments on a missed shot are never appropriate -- even if directed at yourself -- but especially if directed at someone else.)

    Now this promise of more All Play is conditional. As with any organized play changes, we will start small. Play at any level must be well attended or we will seek to change that play to a form that draws more participation. You wouldn't want it any other way, would you? 

    Captains are always in demand. Without captain volunteers, there can be no play.  When play resumes, we will especially need captains for All Play and for the 2.0-2.5 level play.

    Stay tuned for more survey results and responses.

    Closing Thoughts

    This club is yours. The board and all of the club's team leaders, managers, coordinators, captains and other volunteers, are only its temporary stewards, acting on your behalf.

    What role are you going to play in our club next year?  To paraphrase a President, "Ask not what your club can do for you, but what you can do for your club!"

    Until the next time, "Keep your paddle up!"

  • 2020-03-15 11:51 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    For the health and safety of members and the public, SAPC is suspending all club-organized activities until further notice.  This is effective immediately, as of March 15, and applies to captain-led play sessions, clinics, mentoring, beginner’s lessons, tournaments, and registered play.

    We will post notices and issue emails when play can resume. This may be eight weeks or more away, we suspect.

    Those who have already paid for the March 30 rating clinic will either have a credit on their account, which can be used against any future online club fee, or can get a refund by emailing  Please be patient as it may take three weeks or more to process the refunds.

    Stay healthy and keep that paddle up!

  • 2020-03-07 16:40 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Dear Member - click the newsletter title to read articles on:

     Finance and Technology Questions?  February Stats
     Sticker Purchase Reminder  Membership Renewals

    Always check the website calendars for the most updated play information. 

    Finance and Technology Questions

    Well over 98% of member's payments for sticker cards, rating clinics and membership renewals are entered readily by members and processed immediately by our credit card payment processor.  But with a new system (and a new payment processor), sometimes there are a few idiosyncrasies that give a few of us a bit of grief.  So we've set up a new website page to provide you with some tips when navigating the credit card payment screen on our system.  It is called the Finance and Technology FAQ page. You must be logged in as member to see the contents of this page. 

    February Stats

      - including membership numbers by level

    In the following tables, we report player attendance in terms of court capacity, which is the number playing on the courts at any one time. For example, if 16 players show up at Red Willow, which has a court capacity of 8, we divide the 16 by 8, convert the answer of 2 to a percentage (200%), and report the attendance as "200% of court capacity."  As a second example, a venue with 3 courts has a court capacity of 12, and if 18 show up to play, then the attendance is 18/12 = 1.5 or 150% of court capacity.

    These are monthly averages; attendance on any particular day may be above or below these averages.

    Most Crowded Indoor Play (Most Social Time!)


    Average Attendance





    184% of court capacity

    Red Willow

    Fri 9am




    Red Willow

    Fri 11am


    3 (tied)


    Red Willow

    Mon 9am


    3 (tied)


    Red Willow

    Thu 11am

    Wom 3.0+

    3 (tied)


    North Pointe

    Mon 11am


    Least Crowded Indoor Play (Most Play Time!) - excluding Reserved Play and Clinics


    Average Attendance




    1 (tied)

     58% of court capacity

    Bertha Kennedy

    Fri 6pm


    1 (tied)


    Sturgeon Hgts

    Sun 9am




    Sturgeon Hgts

    Sun 9am




    Sturgeon Hgts

    Tue 6pm




    Bertha Kennedy

    Sat 12:30pm


    Other Interesting Stats


     Play and training sessions this month, excluding rating clinics and beginner's lessons


     Member-plays at the above sessions

     Visitor-plays at the above sessions

     Rating clinics this month (0 players)


     Ratings clinics since May 1


     Players rated by your club since May 1


     Club members as of Feb 29 (631 as of Mar 5)

    Open this file to see our membership numbers by level:  Membership PIe Chart 2020-03-06.pdf

    Sticker Purchase Reminder


    Returning snowbirds and others - please note!  It can take up to three weeks to have your ordered sticker card arrive in the mail, particularly if your order is placed right after the fulfillment process Marion so diligently carries out every week, and if Canada Post takes another two weeks.  Of course, Canada Post is usually quicker than that for local deliveries, but occasionally they are not.  And we won't even mention the delay related to you checking your mailbox, because you do that every day right? (I know, I don't either.)   In any case, thanks Marion for all you do!

    If you run out, don't panic!  All our friendly members will sell you a sticker for $3.35 (or $4.00 if you only have loonies and toonies.) Always round up folks!

    Membership Renewals 

    Renewal reminders went out to all members on March 2. If you didn't get yours, check your junk mail folder.

    You have until May 1 to  renew your membership, and you will get at least one more automated reminder if you haven't renewed by about April 20.  On May 2, unpaid memberships will lapse without further notice -- you don't want to get too many emails do you?

    We hope you stay and come out and play more this year than ever before. 

    Until the next time, "Keep your paddle up!"

  • 2020-02-27 10:05 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Dear Member - click the newsletter title to read articles on:

     Apr 4-5 Westlock Tournament  Welcome Tara
     Welcome Faye, Gerry, Ron, Douwe, Ken  Thanks Team Members!
     Survey Closing  Welcome Elsi and Karen

    Always check the website calendars for the most updated play information. 

    April 4-5 Westlock Tournament

    Westlock Spring Ahead Pickleball Doubles Tournament

    • Entry deadline: March 20, 2020.
    • Location: Westlock Spirit Center, 9603 - 100 St, Westlock
    • Entry form and more details: see linked pdf form. Submit entry with either pdf or MS Word form

    Welcome Tara

    Thanks to Tara Tchir for taking on the position of Facebook Coordinator for our club.  Welcome Tara!  Tara also captains some of the play sessions for you at our North Pointe Community Church venue.  

    Welcome Faye, Gerry, Ron, Ken and Douwe


    Thanks to Faye Hood for taking on the Tournaments Manager role and to Gerry Hood, Ron Parker, Ken Dentzien, and Douwe Spriensma for taking on coordinator leadership roles on our Tournaments Team.  Faye and the rest of the team look forward to using our new system to automate our club's tournament registrations and payments this year.

    Welcome Elsi

    Thanks to Elsi Lowe for taking on the Goods Sales Coordinator role.  Elsi and her team will be selling T-shirts and balls when warmer weather prevails.

    Welcome Karen

    Thanks to Karen Korotash for leading the Social Team this year. We look forward to the opportunity to chat, to make friends and to strengthen our connections with existing friends during the lunches arranged by the Social Team at our fun tournaments, and are very grateful for their work on the Volunteer Appreciation events each year. 

    Thanks Team Members

    And thanks to all the new and returning members of all our teams, including the captains that make up our venue teams and all those holding individual positions with our club.  We have an amazing number of contributors to our club's ongoing operations, and they all do a great job.

    Over the next few weeks watch for the names of these team members to appear on our Teams and Committees page or on our future Captains page.  (Note that access to these pages will continue to be for members only, so you need to log in as a member to get to those pages.)

    Survey Closing

    Club members were issued a survey via email a few weeks ago.  Thanks to those who have already responded.  For the rest of you, the survey closes end of day Sunday March 1.  We will be back to you with the results, but we'll be busy with the analysis for a while.

    Until the next time, "Keep your paddle up!"

  • 2020-02-14 10:06 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Dear Member - click the newsletter title to read articles on:

     Facebook Coordinator Needed

     Rating Clinics Open for Registration

     Welcome New Coordinators  January Stats

    Always check the website calendar for the most updated play information. See also our SAPC Facebook site for any last minute notices. 

    Facebook Coordinator Needed

    Our club members make good use our Facebook site to connect with each other, communicate with each other about club and pickleball-related activities, and post club-related photos.  We are better connected and more engaged through Facebook.

    The Facebook Coordinator's job is simply to:

    • periodically review content to ensure it meets the club's suitability requirements, and
    • review and approve about 1 or 2 requests per week from members to join our closed Facebook group.
    No Facebook experience is needed -- we will show you the steps needed to look up members, approve join requests, and review content. Please join our large and expanding team of volunteers and help your fellow club members by taking on this small but important role. If you are interested, please send an email to, our new email address for our corporate secretary Douwe Spriensma.

    New Rating Clinics Open for Registration

    Are you itching to play up?  Want to see if the skills you've been developing are ready for the big time?

    A new rating clinic for aspiring 3.0's will be held March 9 and a new clinic for aspiring 3.5's will be held March 30.  Maximum 12 per clinic. First "registered and paid," first served!

    How to register?  This process has changed.  It is now as automated as we can make it, further reducing your club's administrative workload on volunteers.
    • Find the rating clinic you want in the Rating Clinic calendar on our website. Click it to open it..
    • Press "Register" and fill in the next couple of screens.
    • Pay your $23.35 via credit card on the last screen.
    If the clinic is full, please put your name on the automated waitlist. This gives you a shot at registration if there are any cancellations, and the more people on the waitlist, the sooner we'll schedule the next clinic.  People going on the waitlist don't have to pay until and unless a spot opens up and they choose to fill that spot.

    Check out our Skill Levels and Ratings page ( ).  It contains valuable advice and links to the sheets that will be used by our evaluators during the clinic.  Practice the skills listed on these sheets.  And if you have any doubt about why skills like dinking are important, take one of our mentoring clinics or Google the many online videos available on pickleball tips and strategies.

    By the way, please think of these rating clinics as fun -- just like play. Think of them as simply another opportunity to get advice on skills needed to further develop.  We know any "test" can be a bit nerve-wracking, but try not to tie any ego or pride on this.  Contrary to Yoda's advice, "just try." Ignore the thought of "passing" or "failing." If you don't make it the first time, you'll know what to work on for your next try.  And to repeat, above all, HAVE FUN.  We are a friendly club and want you play at whatever level you aspire to.

    Welcome Rating Coordinators

    Thanks to Gerry Gartner and Karen Cabot for stepping forward and becoming our new rating coordinators.  Welcome to your new volunteer roles Karen and Gerry!

    January Stats

    In the following tables, we report player attendance in terms of court capacity, which is the number of players on the courts at any one time. For example, if 16 players show up at Red Willow, which has a court capacity of 8, we divide the 16 by 8, convert the answer of 2 to a percentage (200%), and report the attendance as "200% of court capacity."  As a second example, a venue with 3 courts has a court capacity of 12, and if 18 show up to play, then the attendance is 18/12 = 1.5 or 150% of court capacity. Note that these are monthly averages; attendance on any particular day may be quite a bit above or below these averages.

    Most Crowded Indoor Play (Most Social Time!)


    Average Attendance





    240% of court capacity

    Red Willow

    Fri 9am




    Red Willow

    Mon 9am




    JJ Nearing

    Thu 6pm




    Red Willow

    Fri 11am




    Red Willow

    Mon 11am


    Least Crowded Indoor Play (Most Play Time!) - excluding Reserved Play and Clinics


    Average Attendance





    71% of court capacity

    Sturgeon H

    Sun 9am




    Bertha Kennedy

    Fri 6pm




    Bertha Kennedy

    Sat 915am




    Red Willow

    Wed 230pm




    Sturgeon H

    Sun 9am


    Other Interesting Stats


     Play and training sessions in January, excluding rating clinics and beginner's lessons


     Member-plays at the above sessions


     Visitor-plays at the above sessions


     Rating clinic this month (48 players)


     Ratings clinics since May 1


     Players rated by your club since May 1


     Club members as of January 31

    Until the next time, "Keep your paddle up!"

  • 2020-02-11 13:13 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Dear Member - click the newsletter title to read this article on sound barriers at Alpine Courts.


    • Two residents close to Alpine courts have complained about the noise from the pickleball courts.
    • The City administration assessed possible long term solutions and presented its proposal on Feb 10 to the Community Living Standards Committee, a committee of City Council composed of three City Council councillors. 

    Feb 10 Meeting

    • The solution presented was to erect sound barriers, affixed to the north and east side fencing. Posts would have to be removed and replaced with posts and post foundations better able to withstand wind loads on the solid sound barrier. Total estimated cost: $98,000. This solution will reduce but not eliminate the noise for adjacent residents.
    • Councillors asked and were told that planting additional trees would not be a viable solution, as there is not enough available space between the courts and the housing to plant the required number of trees.
    • Councillors also asked these other questions:
      • how many decibels of noise reduction would result from this solution?
      • where this solution has been used before (in the U.S.), did the noise complaints cease?
      • what is the annual cost to remove and re-install the sound barriers?
      • how long will they last?
      • what do they look like?
      • how long will delivery take and when would installation take place?
    • City administration was asked to come up with answers to the above questions, and place the matter on the agenda of the March City Council meeting.
    • One cost-conscious Councillor indicated she would not be voting for this solution when the matter comes to Council.

    Bottom Line and Side Notes

    • One Councillor asked about the position of the St. Albert Pickleball Club on this matter. The City administration correctly reporting our position: We are not too concerned with whether the sound barriers are erected or not. Our main concern is that all 12 courts be available for use, regardless of the whether there are sound barriers.
    • In a side conversation with City administration, this reporter learned that the administration plans to include a refurbishment of the six Larose pickleball counts in its next capital plan. This would result in the six courts being rebuilt to the standards of the Alpine Courts. 
    • The City administration also plans to propose the construction of additional outdoor pickleball courts in future community developments. Part of the rationale could be to distribute play to other locations and perhaps reduce the amount of play and resulting noise at Alpine.  (Of course, some of us expect that overall public demand for play will continue to grow and exceed all available outdoor court capacity for some time to come.)

    Until the next time, "Keep your paddle up!"

  • 2020-02-09 15:51 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Dear Member - click the newsletter title to read articles on:

     Yellowhead West "Luck of the Irish" Tournament in March

     Calendar Quandary

    Always check the website calendar for the most updated play information. See also our SAPC Facebook site for any last minute notices. 

    Yellowhead West "Luck of the Irish" Tournament March 27-29, 2020

    Save the Date

    The Yellowhead West Pickleball Club is hosting a new tournament March 27, 28 and 29. The tournament will be held at the Heritage Park Pavilion in Stony Plain. Contrary to previous information provided to our club, this tournament is not sanctioned.  As of March 3, registration details are not yet available to us, but indications are that this tournament registration will be handled through  See our Tournaments Calendar for the initial flyer.

    Calendar Quandary

    Do you miss the old style calendar?

    We've heard at least one of you say that you miss the old calendar -- the one that had all the indoor events on one page.  You may be under the false impression that you have to go down to the lowest level in our menu, and pick the venues one at time, looking at each of the venue calendars separately.  Well we have some good news for you!  A calendar that is very close to the old calendar already exists on our system. It is the "Indoor Calendar."   Just click on the menu item called "Indoor Calendar" to see it.  Note the legend at the bottom of this calendar -- it shows the colour-coded location of each event.

    As outdoor season approaches, check out the "Outdoor Calendar" to see both Alpine and Larose play times.

    While you are checking out our menus, click on each top level and mid-level menu item.  Each of these top-level and mid-level menu headings also has a page with useful information on it.

    Until the next time, "Keep your paddle up!"

  • 2020-01-18 16:02 | Anonymous member

    December Statistics

    December Stats

    We hope some of you find the following statistics interesting. Some of you may also choose to shift your play times to the least crowded times to get more play time.

    In the following tables, we report player attendance in terms of court capacity, which is the number of players on the courts at any one time. For example, if 16 players show up at Red Willow, which has a court capacity of 8, we divide the 16 by 8, convert the answer of 2 to a percentage (200%), and report the attendance as "200% of court capacity."  As a second example, a venue with 3 courts has a court capacity of 12, and if 18 show up to play, then the attendance is 18/12 = 1.5 or 150% of court capacity.

    Of course, these are monthly averages, and past attendance is not necessarily indicative of future attendance!

    Most Crowded Indoor Play (Most Social Time!)


    Average Attendance





    255% of court capacity

    Red Willow

    Mon 9am




    JJ Nearing

    Thu 630pm




    Red Willow

    Wed 1200




    Red Willow

    Thu 9am




    Red Willow

    Fri 9am


    Least Crowded Indoor Play (Most Play Time!) - excluding Reserved Play and Clinics


    Ave Attendance





    83% of court capacity

    Sr. Alphonse

    Wed 7pm




    Bertha Kennedy

    Sat 1230pm




    Sturgeon H

    Mon 6pm




    Bertha Kennedy

    Sat 230pm


    5 (tied)


    Red Willow

    Wed 230pm


    5 (tied)


    Bertha Kennedy

    Sat 915am


    Other Interesting Stats


    Play and training sessions in December, excluding rating clinics and beginner's lessons


    Member-plays at the above sessions


    Visitor-plays at the above sessions


    Rating clinic this month (18 players)


    Ratings clinics since May 1


    Players rated by your club since May 1


    Club members as of December 31

    Ratings Coordinator Positions Filled!

    Please welcome Gerry Gartner and Karen Chabot as our Ratings Coordinators.

    Thank you for volunteering!

    Ratings Clinics

    New Dates Confirmed

    Ratings Clinic date for 3.0 is March 9th. 

    Ratings Clinic date for 3.5 is March 30th

    Watch our news in mid-February to learn about our new online process to register for these clinics.  

    Pickleball Tip- Shoes

    Members are reminded to bring clean indoor shoes to wear at all indoor venues. Do not use shoes that have been worn outside as the club is responsible to maintain the cleanliness of the facilties we use.

  • 2020-01-09 19:15 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Hi Pickleball Friends,

    Cassie Williams is the President of the Christina Lake Pickleball Club in British Columbia.   She has asked me to spread the word about a summer Tournament schedule for June 26 to 29, 2020.  She and husband Keith spend most of the summer at this Lake and have worked hard to build it up as the Pickleball Capital of Canada (with the help of a few other members of course).

    Why such an early promotion?  Because registrations open on January 13, 2020 (in 5 days) and is limited as to number of entries.  More info and registration at

    She would like to see some summer holiday visitors from the Edmonton area come to Christina Lake

    Have Fun in the BC Sun !!  Leave your snow shovels at home!

    Cheers .... Ken Hurshowy


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