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Reserved Play

To play at an event marked RESERVED PLAY on an SAPC calendar, a member must reserve a spot in advance.

Open the event calendar (e.g. Red Willow calendar) and find the event in which you wish to register. Open the event by clicking on it. If there is no "Reserve" button, the session is not yet open for reservations. If there is a Reserve button, press it and follow the onscreen prompts.

When asked if you'd like your name to be publicly displayed, please accept the default of yes. This helps the captain verify legitimate registrants.

If you see a Waitlist button instead of a "Reserve" button, the session is full. Press the Waitlist link to be added to the waitlist.

Reserved play sessions at Red Willow Community Church open at 12:00:01 Friday morning (midnight Thursday) for sessions in the following week. The same time applies for summer partner play at Alpine courts.

Reserved spots for the weekly 3.0 and for 3.5 DUPR play at Alpine Courts open at various (unpredicable) times on the Thursday before the game day. This opening always coincides with the mass sending of email invitations to all qualifying members.

Yes. If one or more people cancel their registration, and you make it to the top of the waitlist, your registration will automatically advance as follows:

  • If the event is free or if payment is not required in advance, you will be immediately advanced to the registration list and you will get a confirmation of registration by email. By default, your name will be hidden in the list of registrants. Please go into your registration via the event online and edit your registration to make your name visible to the public. This makes it visible to the captain for attendance verification purposes.
  • If the event requires immediate payment, you will get an invoice notification by email. This means your registration is pending. Pay promptly to secure your spot. If payment is not prompt, your pending reservation may be cancelled to allow another wait-listed candidate to take the spot.

Yes. As our venues are limited, you may initially only reserve ONE Red Willow session per week. If there are still available spots at Red Willow, at noon on Saturday (12:00 sharp), then you may reserve a second or subsequent spot in the next week's play at Red Willow.

Yes. Also, the email address you use to make a reservation must match the email address you used to join SAPC.

The cost at Red Willow is two stickers, payable upon arrival and sign-in. The cost for other venues will be listed in the event. Captains will also pay the required fee.

Members can buy stickers at our on-line store, under the Members menu. Log in to see this member-only information.

Please be courteous to others wanting to play, and cancel your reservation as soon as you can.

  • Log into the SAPC website.
  • Click on the event in the calendar. It will take you to the event description page.
  • On the left side the event description it will have the words in red "Already Registered". Click on this link.
  • On the next screen click on "Cancel Registration". You will get a pop up that will ask you, "Are you sure you want to cancel your registration?" Click on "Cancel Registration."

You will receive an email confirming your cancelled registration.

Some reservations may not be cancellable or may only be cancellable by emailing an administrator. Read the event description to learn of these possible exceptions.

Sorry, not these days. The number of players at our indoor event are limited for health safety reasons. As well, opportunities for indoor play are so limited that we expect all reservable spots to be filled and used.

No, the captain or her substitute already has a confirmed Captain’s spot. This is part of your perk for being one of our key volunteers.

If you are asked to be a substitute captain on short notice because the captain is suddenly unavailable, and if you already have a reserved spot, cancel that reservation if there is time, freeing it up for someone else.

Yes, captains and members can see who has reserved a spot. Here’s an easy way:

  • Open the event in the calendar.
  • In the left panel of the event description there will be a line that says something like "Registrants 11 registrants". Click the "11 registrants" link.
  • Note that if anyone was automatically moved from the waitlist to the list of registrants, their name will appear as "anonymous" unless they edit their registration after being moved off the waitlist. Contact or if you need to know who "anonymous" is.
  • The captain’s name will not be on this list, but the captain nevertheless has a guaranteed reserved spot.

As long as you are a paid up member, you can reserve a play spot. There is no delay with our online reservation system.

Go to the News page and read the latest newsletter posting on the upcoming indoor play season -- usually posted each September. These postings cover our stay-safe play procedures, rules for entering and using our Red Willow venue, and more. Similar news may also be posted on the home page of our site at the beginning of an indoor season.

For any particular reserved play event, open the event and read the event description to learn about any unique conditions for that event.

Email your comments, questions and suggestions regarding SAPC’s reserved play to


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